Village Clerk/Treasurer

The Village Clerk/Treasurer's Office is responsible for: 

  • Managing official records of the Village of Wauneta, including:

- Recording all proceedings of the Board of Trustees meetings.

- Serving as the legal custodian of official records, including minutes, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, liquor licenses, deeds, and easements.

- Overseeing the adoptions and publishing of the Code of Ordinances and helping to ensure that all open record requests are in accordance with the Open Records Act.

  • Other functions and responsibilities of the Village office include:

- Billing of all utility customers

- Utility user and connection charges

- Licenses and fees

- Distribution of all expenditures

- Preparation of monthly and annual budgetary and financial reports

- General record-keeping functions

- Cemetery record-keeping functions

Contact Info

Evelyn Skelton
Village Clerk/Treasurer
319 North Tecumseh, Wauneta, NE 69045
[email protected]

Tangie Dinnel
Deputy Billing Clerk
319 North Tecumseh, Wauneta, NE 69045
[email protected]